My name is Teresa Alesch.
I’m here for you and I’m listening.
Have you ever noticed how many of us spend long periods of our life without problems? Then, suddenly, adversity strikes. Our life is turned upside down. Doubts, uncertainty, and crippling fear plague our thoughts and keep us up at night. We search for words of inspiration and strength, to battle against our own negative inner chatter.
I know this feeling well. 2011 was not a good year for me. It started with a phone call from my Doctor.
“You have cancer”.
My greatest fear became a reality that day. My life changed forever to begin the battle which tested my strength of body, mind, heart and soul.
Many obstacles came into my life in short succession. I was diagnosed with breast cancer and underwent a double mastectomy. I completed chemotherapy only to learn that I had massivetumors in my ovaries, one the size of a grape fruit. My subsequent hysterectomy rocketed me into early menopause and took away any chance I had of bearing more children. The symptoms of menopause wage war on my body daily. My father was diagnosed with stage 4 non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma and my Uncle died in April 2012. This was my tipping point.
The desperation festered for two years. In 2014, I got to that edge and decided, I can’t take this anymore.
I was fogged by the residual effects of chemotherapy and the upheaval of hormones due to the hysterectomy, and could not find clarity. Along with menopausal hot flashes, I experienced flashes of suicidal ideation. I just wished I could fall through the earth or just not wake up. Over time, these flashes became more frequent and more vivid. But at a crucial moment, desperately near the point of no return, I knew I had to do something – my family needed me. You can read about this in the chapter called, “The End” in my book, “Broken to Brave: Finding Freedom from the Unlived Life.”
In addition to my work as a school administrator, I’m now a “life winning” cancer fighter – and an author, a coach and a speaker. In my book, Broken to Brave, I walk readers through my own battle and reveal how the greatest key to surviving was finding my faith, understanding God’s love, and accepting His blessing. I created a battle strategy for myself using six sets of keys and I teach how you can find your own keys to free yourself, and find fulfillment in your own personal journey.
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— Jeremiah 29:11
I’ve battled cancer and loss and walked through the aftermath, finding perfection in imperfection during the process. Now I want to empower you to unlock your BRAVE. You can be resilient, intentional, and courageous in the midst of life’s adversities. Believe it.
You were born to be… free!
I help learners, leaders and anybody facing adversity or inner turmoil to free themselves to courageously appreciate the past, intentionally focus the future, and be mindful and driven in the present.
You can bravely accept and live your purpose and achieve the influence and success you’ve been avoiding or chasing. Find your inspiration. I will show you how.
In fact, I’ve gone from being anxious, depressed, and yes, even suicidal to being my version of brave – resilient, intentional, and courageous.
If I can do it, you can too. Together, we will find your version of brave.
I offer different programs and am available to coach you through a variety of formats. Email, phone, video-conference, or some circumstances, in person.
Understand, I am not a certified mental health professional. Mental health experts are out there, also offering services that will provide you with the help you need.
I offer peer support and high-performance coaching from my own personal and professional experience. I’ve lived through the battles and lessons and found my way back to “the present moment” where I belong… where you also belong.
I receive messages from people who’ve read my book, who’ve visited my website, and who’ve stumbled upon my Facebook page. These people seek advice on a variety of topics from overcoming social anxiety to overcoming depression to relationships to becoming a better leader. I’ve worked step-by-step with these individuals to grow into a better version of themselves, to bravely take their next step, and then another, and then another.
Together, we will zone in on what is holding you back from achieving that next level of personal or professional success in your life. We will create action steps designed just for you that will move you forward. If you want to talk with someone who’s been through battles and who can help you establish your own battle plan, then you’re at the right place.
I love personal growth and development.
Would you like to connect? You can find powerful words of inspiration, huge doses of motivation and courageous personal growth tips on this website and across my social channels. You may also be interested in my coaching programs, my workshops and speaking. Get in touch and let’s talk!