“I find television very educating. Every time somebody turns on the set, I go into the other room and read a book.”
When I was a youngster, I didn’t like reading. Who knew books had different personalities such as those I personally could relate to?! Being a slow reader, my nerves would flutter anytime we had to read for school. The thought of reading came to associate itself with dread.
It wasn’t until college I learned there were books written JUST FOR ME… you know, the kind whether fiction or nonfiction that make you feel like you are with the author talking like ol’ pals?
These are some of my recent favorite nonfiction/self-help reads – so whether you’re looking for a fresh source of inspiration, education, or just a plain kick in the pants, check these out! Tons of great titles line book shelves, but these have really impacted me!
The 5 Second Rule is a simple, one-size-fits-all solution for the one problem we all face —we hold ourselves back. The secret isn’t knowing what to do—it’s knowing how to make yourself do it. This rule will help you be more productive, get out of your comfort zone, push yourself, monitor and control your emotions, network when you don’t feel like it… do about anything when you don’t feel like it! Science backs the strategy, but simply put, the moment you have an instinct to do something such as in act on a goal, count 5-4-3-2-1 and physically move before your brain overpowers your will and stops you.
One of my favorite quotes?
One way I’ve used The Five Second Rule: This strategy is helping me to reset my sleep cycle. Due to a number of reasons – personal, professional, and health, I found myself getting between four and five hours of sleep. Not good! I’m using the rule in many ways, but the first and most important is to get to bed earlier so I can get back to my 5 AM “up and at it” routine. I’m excited to say, it’s working! Thanks, Mel!
If you’d like to get it on Amazon Audible link which was what I purchased, https://amzn.to/2kcxnQM or the Kindle, https://amzn.to/2IC9MYw.
For those who are in the midst of adversity or enduring times of struggle—be it mental, emotional, physical, financial, relational, or other—The Miracle Morning has proven time and time again to be the one thing that can empower anyone to overcome seemingly insurmountable challenges, make major breakthroughs, and turn their circumstances around, often in a very short period of time.
One of my favorite quotes?
One way I’ve used The Miracle Morning: I had been cruising along with several strategies within Hal’s book until one day I fell off track. It takes several days to get into a habit and just one to fall out of a habit. I’m gradually getting my miracle morning back. My favorite part of my morning right now is meditation/prayer accompanied by journaling. This helps me to review my intentions for the day (set the night before) and grab insights before my mind becomes cluttered throughout the day.
Interested? Here’s a link to Amazon, https://amzn.to/2LbIaXL.
Most people drift through their days aimlessly because they have not connected with aspirations that are in alignment with their core purpose. It doesn’t have to be this way. You can experience massive success in key areas of your life, but you must be intentional about creating a unique lifestyle and mindset that allows you to earn the right to live your dreams. In Make Your Mark, Dr. Cooper outlines a step-by-step process to help you get the exact life you want so you can live each day with energy and purpose while making your dent in the universe.
One of my favorite quotes?
One way I’ve used Make Your Mark: I love a strategy Coyte has you do early on in the book to examine the way you are currently living your life. Imagine your life is about to be released on the big screen for the whole world to view. This a good thing? … Or, not so good? The good thing is you have full control to reset and remake your movie! The activity goes into much greater detail. I encourage you to check it out!
Sound like a good read? Grab it on Amazon, https://amzn.to/2LjDrD8.
What are some of your favorites? I’d love to hear them — especially if, like me, you’re in a season of growth. Leave a comment below!