When I publicly put my gloves on - the BOOK.
Watch out for your inner critic.
Writing: Love-Hate-Love.
Commitment - time to pay closer attention.
AND.... When will you put YOUR gloves on?
In 2015, I attended The Igniting Souls Conference. I met wonderful people and was deeply inspired by the hosts, speakers, and a number of fellow participants.
Why did I attend this conference? Before I answer that, I should share that only a handful of people know that I’ve been writing a book, which I began two years ago this month. It's about my journey through breast cancer and more importantly, it's about the aftermath left behind.
(Ummm, yes...I am moving slowly. My journey is hard to think about, let alone write about. But that's another story. Actually, a book. All in my book.)
That aftermath is what I want to help others prevent. Beginning my book and attending The Igniting Souls Conference helped me gain clarity around those goals as a cancer survivor and author, and even my goals continuing in my role as an educational leader. #Purpose.
Now... I just changed that statistic - from a few people to anyone else paying attention. And, here it is.
I created this website to share, connect with, and help others. I'm slightly outside of my comfort zone -- that's a fib, VERY, outside of my comfort zone -- but I'm learning and growing. I'm living BRAVE. Small steps. Living BRAVE is so much better than struggling BROKEN.