This post is from a series of posts in which I’m touching on the following topics:
On and off over the past two years, I’ve been stuck in the writing process. I later learned being stuck was more a problem with coping than writing — another story for another day. It was a problem about that darn inner critic, my biggest enemy.
Mind game after mind game, cancer’s army (the aftermath) knocked me out. Whether you are a cancer survivor or not, if you aren’t paying attention, your inner opponents (critic, naysayer, and confidence smasher) will sneak up on you and throw sucker punches. Punches that leave scars.
Consequently, I decided it was time I “get inspired” and sought direction, which resulted in enrolling in Author Academy Elite, which included this conference (organized by Author, Coach, and Speaker, Kary Oberbrunner and his Business Director, David Branderhorst, an Iowa native by the way).
Among many potential outcomes, the conference helps participants commit to a vision, clarify a path, and create an action plan to see it through, and not to mention, for me anyway, fuel the writing process. Between the coursework and associated conference, anyone committed to the curriculum and content is a “Soul on Fire!”
I stepped out of my comfort zone and challenged my inner critic.