Complete this brief application and submit to see if you qualify
for a Free 45-minute "One-on-One" Discover Session.
Get started today before this once in a lifetime opportunity expires.
List your 3 most important goals for:
What obstacles are you struggling with at the moment that may prevent you from achieving your goals?
What option excites you most?
Do you have the Time, Energy, and Financial Resources to make a premium level investment in yourself and coaching right now?
You could be a cancer patient, survivor, or caregiver, or anyone battling illness – You reserve all of your energy to fight for you or your loved one's health, and many days, you are just getting by. You keep hoping and praying for your energy to come back, for your mind to be a little less foggy, and for yourself to get a window where you have the energy to get back on track... only to find that window is just out of reach.
You could be a productive, hardworking, non-stop, and successful worker – You might be doing great at work but underneath the image you present, you, too, are just surviving and looking for that glimmer of time where you can take some much-needed and deserved "me time" or family time. You may have fallen off of your typical nutrition and exercise routine and you feel anything but fit. You often work late or bring work home to keep up with that mounting workload.
Or, you could be both – You might feel overwhelmed. You just don't have the energy, strength, or organization to get everything done. You're battling sickness. You climb into bed feeling dread, thinking about all the unfinished business, whether the dishes are waiting for you, the laundry is piled up, or your work is calling. You stayed home when you could have joined a group of friends for dinner. Or, you feel regret because you might have been impatient with a loved one or not interacted at all because you were too tired to try.
Create a stick-to-it work-life balance plan
so you can take back control
over your health, productivity, and sense of balance,
to be present and full of energy for those who really matter.
You go days, weeks, months even, without problem. Then, adversity strikes. Perhaps you’re in it now. Or, perhaps you’ve just fallen off track with your goals and priorities and feel out of touch with yourself and others.
Doubt, uncertainty, and crippling fear plague your thoughts and steal from your focus and productivity.
You’re losing sleep, you’re not exercising, your nutritious eating flew out the window, and good gravy, you’ve flagged your house as a disaster zone. It’s a wonder you have energy to read this!
Where do you find the strength to battle your rampant inner thoughts and maintain a sense of balance at work and at home? And, what about you, your self-care, hobbies, and dreams?
Know THIS: You were born to live in the here and now–free from regrets of your past and worries of your future. You were designed to perform at high levels. You were meant to enjoy your life moment by moment with family, friends, and others around you… without all the burdens weighing you down.
I can help you.
While it’s true that stress is inevitable throughout our lifetime...
What isn't inevitable is how we respond to it or how we prepare for it.
✔ Weakened immune system
✔ Fatigue
✔ Depression, anxiety
✔ Reduced stamina
✔ Unhealthy weight gain or loss
✔ Inability to concentrate
✔ Vulnerable to illness, infection, and disease
All of the above and more is what becomes of our bodies and minds when unhealthy stress enters our daily lifestyle and does not let go. It's what happens when we are unprepared for the "inevitable" interruptions and challenges. It's what happens when we don't have a plan to combat our villainous stressors in life.
Yet, there ARE people all around the world who completely defy unhealthy stress...
Healthy | Rested | Productive | Happy | Content
Health, self-development, and performance gurus have long been fascinated with the healthy, the happy, and the high achieving people of our world. Do any of these groups really exist?
They DO!
They’re resilient. They’re strong. They're living well. They’re savoring life. They're physically active, they have hobbies, they enjoy fulfilling relationships, and most importantly, despite obstacles that may try to rattle them from time to time, they're living their best life with few regrets.
After decades of study, researchers began to piece together the puzzle behind these communities’ remarkable peaceful nature and wellbeing.
✔ They regularly engage in some form of physical activity, mindfully consume a nutritious diet, engage meaningfully and deeply with family, friends, colleageus, and/or community,
✔ They build a mindset centered upon optimism, growth, gratitude, and reflection.
✔ They are intentional with time whereby they set goals and plan hour by hour, day by day, week by week, measuring progress along the way.
What you won’t find in these people is perfection in human or perfection in implementation. Everyone runs into challenges.
Question is, is it possible to emulate these more intentional practices into our busy lifestyle?
The result:
Success without Sacrifice: The Broken to Brave Transformation Experience helps you break unhealthy habits that steal your time to make room for living life on your own terms, the way it's designed to be lived.
A transformation in your wellbeing begins with intentional planning and protocols:
✔ exercise and nutrition routines,
✔ home and work structures,
✔ gratitude and reflection time,
✔. goal setting and implementation, and
✔ overal time and stress management.
What you won’t find in this program is a promise that you will magically transform in minutes, or at all. That doesn't exist.
Because the truth of the matter is, looking at our habits and routines that we have taken a lifetime to build can be downright agonizing. We have to be truthful with where we've come from and how we've gotten to this point. In some cases, we realize that we've become friends with procrastination, avoidance, and excuses.
Breaking up with our old friends will require a willingness to be kind to ourselves. We will need patience. Moments when we want to quit and go with what seems easy will be intensely draining.
That's what I'm here for. The kick in the pants you need... loving kick in the pants, that is.
This is truly an experience. It's not sit-and-forget. You are either all in for yourself or you're not. You either acknowledge that life is short and now is the time to take a stand and take control, or you're okay with living in the past regrets and future worries day after day.
We have but one present moment, and the distracted, stressed, and tired are missing the chance to live in that moment. As a result they are caught up in vicious cycles of regret and worry. Is this you? Are you missing out on truly experiencing life in the moment? Life with your spouse, kids, friends, even your colleagues?
The question that gets most people is:
What if you knew when your clock will stop ticking?
I know, I'm asking the hard quesiton, right here, right now. That's what I do.
Tell me, would you spend your time a little differently with that knowledge?
Feel the best you can,
Free up some time,
Do what you brings you joy, and
Cherish and spend quality time with those you love...
Would those things become a little more important to you?
Choose your own adventure based on your assessment and goals.
With intentional, bite-sized chunks and a plan you know you can stick to, you will move the needle toward success.
Did I mention that already? Oh, I did?
Well, it's true.
You are getting more than a coach. You are getting a teacher, motivational sidekick, accountability partner, and community, too.
No, I won't ask you to put up your dukes...
but, you've got to admit, that'd be fun, right?
Are in your power with small, measureable changes in your identified growth areas from the list below.
The Success without Sacrifice Transformation Program is NOT a passive experience, so you won't be sitting through long videos or lectures that do little to move you forward. Instead, this experience guides you through an easy-to-follow process to give you back your time and improve your life.
You will work with Teresa in 1:1 or group sessions (or both) and will receive a series of quick lessons and coaching discussions.
Throughout the sessions, you’ll discover simple strategies or techniques that are easy to incorporate into your schedule as a regular habit to quickly level up key aspects of your overall wellness.
On top of that, you’ll receive challenges, materials, accountability checks, and a community to grow with.
Whether you’re someone fighting fatigue, illness and overwhelm or someone trying to prevent this unfortunate path without sacrificing any more than you already have, you will be able to choose your adventure and accelerate the achievement of your goals along this journey.
Teresa Alesch, Coach, Speaker, and Author of the award-winning, Broken to Brave: Finding Freedom from the Unlived Life
A preparation time:
We address the “roller coaster” roadmap of your life–—its twists, turns, rises, and falls and the ways it’s imprisoned you from living your best life head-on by rewiring how you think, how you view your strengths, weaknesses, achievements, gaps, relationships, and how you view time.
Highlights include:
How to identify the areas you are most concerned about
How to determine what you want to change
How to take back your confidence
How to control the speed and direction your life is rolling
The result: An instant boost in confidence.
Before we jump into exercises, you’ll learn more about Success without Sacrifice: The Broken to Brave Transformation Experience and how you need to prepare for the upcoming weeks.
You’ll also take the first assessment so you can measure your progress at the end of the Experience.
Once you identify the areas you need to unlock, we use a detailed process to uncover your purpose and passion to turn your challenges into your strengths and goals using the ALADDIN method and then TEST it by practicing proven strategies and fine-tuning what's working best.
We will experiment with some different routines, especially in the exercise area. Specifically, we will go from 5 to 25 in 5. 5 minutes to 25 minutes in 5 days.
Highlights include:
Routines for exercise, nutrition, sleep, and journaling
Types of systems: agendas, journals, calendars
Obstacles you might face and how to prepare for them
The result: Instead of life happening to you, you prepare yourself to happen TO life, to put your hands on the wheel of life and shift into drive.
Without a plan, you operate in neutral gear, rather, random gear.
Now on your way to new habits and continuing to fine-tune what's working best, you will build your “Success without Sacrifice” plan, the plan that will give you back your health, energy, focus, and productivity so you can more enjoy the moments that include your family, friends, community, self, and even your career.
You create your stick-to-it plan, YOUR plan that gives you back your health, energy, focus, and productivity so you can more enjoy the moments that include your family, friends, community, self, and even your career.
Highlights include:
Test your structures against obstacles
Problem-solve flaws in your design
Monitor early improvements in health, energy, focus, and productivity
The result: Doing this keeps you focused and motivated (and helps you overcome those fears, worries, and self-limiting beliefs that almost always crop up–the mind is tricky!)
Creating your schedule and controling your time is worth living life on your own terms.
Then, where the most amount of people get tripped up, they see where they've been, they know where they want to go, and they’re seeing awesome results, but an obstacle pops up and throws them off balance. This is when people quit and fall back into destructive habits.
Highlights include:
Delve deeper into mindset: fixed versus growth and resiliency
Implement the ACE method
The result: You’ll learn the ACE method so you can rest assured you’ll stay on track or know how to get back on track if you’ve taken a brief detour.
If you don’t have the right structures or mindset, your plan won't work.
You’ll have routines that will help you develop stamina – your ability to maintain a plan that gives you more control in all areas of your life. You will have learned strategies for every area, but you determine what you take with you based on your goals.
Highlights include:
Reflect on your journey
How to use learnings in this program to determine next steps for next level
The result: No matter the path you take in your future, you now have the keys to open doors to your next level of freedom and keep open your doors of focus, productivity, energy, and balance––if you so choose.
Final assessment to measure your results.
Christina M. Gant, CNP
Avera Medical Group Oncology & Hematology Sioux Falls
Addison Tolentino, MD
Former - Avera Medical Group Oncology & Hematology Sioux Falls
Nathaniel Meyer, MD
Avera Medical Group, Spencer
Throughout my career as a school administrator, I overcame traumas and stressors... many (think multiple cancers-mine, my dad's, my sister's, my sister-in-law's, my mother-in-law's; tragic loss; suicide; and breast implant illness), while supporting those in my care at work and home.
Through it all, I continued leading, coaching, learning, writing, growing, producing, and achieving at high levels. I had to find ways to be productive and not only survive but also thrive!
In the midst of battle, I completed two graduate degrees, served as a school principal, and even published the award-winning book, Broken to Brave!
I’m not saying I didn’t fail. I did. But, failure to me, is a masterclass in success. And it doesn’t have to require harmful sacrifice (some sacrifice is good). I stood and went round after round while helping others find the calm in their storms.
Today, I use my “Life Is Short Lessons” to motivate, support, coach, and teach women how to overcome their resistance to structure and routine around exercise, nutrition, sleep, meditation, and home management to finally take back their control to live life energetically on their own terms.
Should adversity strike, my students are less likely to fall off the wagon of high performance and lose touch with those who matter in their lives. Like I once did.
Broken to Brave students do not settle for “good enough” because life is “too good” to lose another moment in survival mode. The power is yours. The choice is now.
Born to Be Brilliant
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Apply below to see if we're a fit and learn more.
— Helen Keller
Your mission should you choose to accept it is to create a stick-to-it work-life balance plan
so you can take back control over your health, productivity, and sense of balance,
to be present and full of energy for those who really matter.
Complete this brief application and submit to see if you qualify
for a Free 45-minute "One-on-One" Discover Session.
Get started today before this once in a lifetime opportunity expires.
List your 3 most important goals for:
What obstacles are you struggling with at the moment that may prevent you from achieving your goals?
What option excites you most?
Do you have the Time, Energy, and Financial Resources to make a premium level investment in yourself and coaching right now?
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