Why do some survivors seem to get back to normal after cancer, while others struggle to just get through a day? Too many survivors go from their "public" battle to their "silent" battle. Too often, their support systems are unaware, and not even the survivor is prepared for the journey back to healthy living.
Addison Tolentino, MD
Former - Avera Medical Group
Oncology & Hematology Sioux Falls
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I’m a high performance coach, speaker, and author of Broken to Brave. I help women suffering from stress, overwhelm, fatigue and burnout take back their time, energy, productivity, and overall health and well-being to live and lead with purpose.
I empower women to take a stand and take back their lives from emotional burdens, mental overwhelm, and a constant state of worry and the struggle. Life is too short to suffer through it.
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Illuminating warning signs along a road of tragedy through cancer, loss, depression, self-sabotage, and suicide, Teresa, a school principal, wife, and mom, shares a timeless map with keys to unlock a fulfilled life in her book Broken to Brave. Her heartbreaking but ultimately breakthrough journey will inspire you to appreciate your past and future to be mindful in the present. Teresa’s courage and relentless will to experience all life has to offer will give you the boost you need to claim YOUR breakthrough to acknowledge your reality and take back your power. See how Teresa can help. Message her the word "Breakthrough!"
Such an honest, inspiring story of a brave cancer survivor. Not only does she express the raw feelings and emotions that go along with a cancer diagnosis but provides tools to overcome them and find your inner brave (whether that be for overcoming cancer or any other adversity in life). I love that she so open with real journal entries, emails, texts, etc throughout her journey.
Courtney Soenen